Email: [email protected]
Glasheen Girls uniform can be purchased at Laura’s Boutique, Dosco Commercial Park, South Douglas Road, Cork. Ph:(021)436 8210
We take great pride in our uniform and encourage our pupils to wear their full uniform each day. Students are requested to present themselves in a neat and tidy fashion with their hair tied back.
The uniform consists of:
- Green jumper or cardigan (with school crest)
- Mint-green shirt
- Green tie
- Grey pinafore/skirt/trousers
- Grey/green socks or tights
- Dark coloured shoes
- Hooded green school jacket with crest (optional)
*In the summer term, students are permitted to wear the school red polo shirt with green culottes (these can be purchased at Laura’s Boutique)
For P.E class:
- Green tracksuit with school crest and red polo shirt.
- Runners
*All pupils will wear the school tracksuit for P.E twice a week and parents will be informed of the days this will be worn.
* Please ensure your child’s name is on all their belongings especially coats, school jumper and tracksuit top as these can often be mislaid.