Glasheen Girls NS  has a long established Parents Association made up of parents who want to help out by either lending a hand on special days, organizing special events for the children or fundraising. This Association is affiliated to the National Parents Council and has been a tremendous support to the school.

During the school year we host receptions for the pupils and parents of the Communion and Confirmation classes. We also make a presentation to the 6th class pupils at their graduation ceremony. We organise a number of fundraising activities included bag-packing in local supermarkets and a Halloween Disco, Christmas Bazaar and Easter Fayre are held in the school hall. A very successful drop and swop is organised before the holidays, where parents can avail of the opportunity to exchange uniforms for the following  year. Funds raised by the Association have contributed to the provision of extra sporting activities and school resources such as IT resources.

For most people, the best thing about being a member of the Parents Association is the chance to meet other parents, to share experiences and to know that they are, like their daughters, part of the school family.
New members are not only welcome, but essential if the Association is to continue.

So if you are new to the school, or would just like to get involved, we would love to hear from you. Please contact the school (021-4542294) for details of our next meeting in the school.