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The Arts in Glasheen
All of the extra curricular activities listed below could not run this year as dictated by Public Health Advice. Once these restrictions are lifted these activities will resume as soon as possible.
We are very proud of the strong musical tradition in our school. Our students can enjoy a number of musical experiences during and after school hours.
School Choir 
Our school choir , under the direction of Ms. Fitzgerald and Ms. Tierney and supported by In. Uí Bhriain and Bn. Uí Cheilleachair meet every Thursday for their hourly rehearsal (2.30-3.30) . Pupils from fourth to sixth class are encouraged to join. Anyone who enjoys singing and is prepared to commit to rehearsals and performances is welcome to become a member. We aim to foster a lifelong love of music in the students and teach a broad selection of songs in our class.
Last year the choir performed at a variety of events including our school Open Evening , the Communion Ceremony this year and also a Christmas concert in St. Peter and Paul’s Church. Every year, at Christmas the choir fund raises for The Irish Guide Dogs Association. This year the choir performed at the Cór Fhéile in the City Hall and gave an excellent performance. They entertained the audience during our Summer concert this year with their beautiful harmonies and wonderful singing.
Tin Whistle
The development of music literacy in pupils is a central part of the music curriculum. In our school all children from 1st Class upwards receive a half hour tin whistle lesson every week by a member of Comhaltas. During these lessons they learn how to read music and learn about music theory. A wide variety of traditional Irish tunes are taught to the pupils and we are very proud of the progress they make. This ability to play an instrument has proven to be invaluable to the students if choosing music as a subject in secondary school and also in later life.
Ukulele Classes 
This year, the school has purchased a number of ukuleles to be used in a Ukulele class being taught by a staff member Ms. Fitzgerald after school on Tuesdays. These classes have been a resounding success and some budding musicians have come to the fore. She also runs a class for staff members so watch out for our first gig!
City Music College
Music lessons run by the Cork City School of Music are held on our school premises after school hours on Thursdays. Music theory and a variety of instruments are taught at these classes. Further details can be obtained at the beginning of the school year.
Music Bug Club
Music Bug Club is aimed at our younger pupils. Here they learn about rhythm and explore beat and sounds in a fun way.
A summer concert is held in the school every second year. This big production involves all the pupils in the school. This event is always very well supported and the pupils enjoy it immensely. Our production this year was moved to the Ballyphehane theatre. The audience enjoyed Eddie the Penguin performed by 2nd class, The Greatest Showman performed by 3rd and 4th class and ” What a Corker” a 1hr play performed by pupils from 5th and 6th class written by staff member Bn. Uí Cheilleachair. Our younger students had their own special production in the school hall. Infants performed ” Sunflower” and the pupils of 1st class performed “Alice in Wonderland”
At Christmas, all classes perform at a carol service in the Lough Church. This is a simple and prayerful occasion to focus on the true meaning of Christmas.
Different classes perform at the annual Cór Féile each year.
Dance in Glasheen
Modern dance classes are held in the school hall on Mondays (2.30 3.30pm). These classes are run by Trish McCarthy .During the year the children are prepared for competitions and concerts and also grading examinations.
Contact : Trish McCarthy 087-7729743
Glasheen Girls Theatre 
These classes are run every Wednesday in the school hall from 2.30 -3.30pm. The lessons are a combination of speech,drama and dance and will also be prepared for Feis Maitiu competitions. Pupils aged 4yrs -11yrs are invited to join.
Contact : Avril O’Callaghan Ph:087 9227401/
Art and Craft Classes 
Art and Craft Classes are provided for Junior and Senior Infants pupils after school in 6 week blocks and are organised by staff member Ms. O’ Donovan.Registration details will be posted on our website.
STEM in Glasheen
Science Club 
Our pupils have a huge interest in the STEM subjects and with that in mind Ms. Mills and Ms. Sparling began a science club after school. This has been a great success and is well attended every term. Emphasis is placed on the practical element where students are encouraged to conduct experiments and collaborate and problem solve with their peers. Measuring, recording , discussing are all skills being developed during these lessons.
Sport in Glasheen
Football and Camogie Training 
During the school year football and camogie training sessions are held after school. These sessions are run by members of staff Ms. O’ Leary, Ms. Casey and Ms. O’ Donovan and are held at the Pres Field (within walking distance of our school) or in the school hall if the weather is poor. All pupils from 4th class upwards are encouraged to participate and to enjoy getting regular exercise as well as improving their skills and technique.The pupils enjoy participating in the many Inter School competitions that are held around the city during the year.
This year’s school camogie team at the Lough Leagues 2019.
Basketball Training 
Regular basketball training sessions are held in the school hall after school and are run by Ms. Clune and Ms. Sparling. Various drills are and skills are taught and mini-matches are played. During the year the school team enjoy playing in the Inter-School competitions.
Tae Kwon Do 
Tae Kwon Do classes are held in the school hall every Tuesday and Friday (6.10 p.m. – 6.55 p.m./ 7.00 p.m – 8.00 p.m.)
Contact : Ruairí O’ Brien 087 2822595